The Argyle Notebook

        First stage of Journey

Heard a rumour of people looking for me and an old contact. Warned contact, then was called by a Vizier. Was brought to a meeting spot at statue of “General Landmark”. 

Was brought upon ship. Was given own room. Met other members of this “group”.


Pilot – Unlikeable. His sarcasm is infinite, frustrating to talk to. Likes to play jokes on people. General annoying to be around.

Vizier – Dumb name. Doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing. Probably just someone following orders and not schemer of this plot.

Brute – Old contact I used to work with. Knows his job that he has to do. Easy to work with, good for meat shield. Best to stay in good books. 

Engineer – Newest edition to the group, don’t know much about her.

Doctor – Found him on Doctor – Found him on space station, seemed reluctant to come. 

Ship – 3xFTL3 Drive. Small, fast, not well armed.

Current Runtime into journey: 8 Cycles.


        Second Stage

Travelled to G.R.R.A.S, high class, military station it would seem.


Vizant Melody – Showed us to quarters, unsure of what we’re doing here.

Vizier Frederick – Meeting us in Green Shift Tomorrow

Vizier Frederick – Meeting us in Green Shift Tomorrow, seems to have more information. 

Frederick showed a sign of aggression during out meeting with him. We’re being sent off to “obtain” items and information for a research project.
I never thought in my line of work that I’d be working personally for a Vizier, nor that I’d be accomplice to their more… secretive… projects.  But now I’m contracted and I’ve got the feeling rejection wasn’t an option. My only hope is that I make it through the journey without losing a few limbs.  Sidenote – attempt to hook up new PDA to laptop. 
Being sent to Octant 3 to the B Colony Pristine (Narchorp)


        First Objective

Pristine  Willard Argyle – Obtain his notebook. Authorized to give him 500k for it. Obtain even if he refuses.


        Flight to Pristine 

Talked to all members about the 500k given to our “leader” in confidence for the notebook. Simple plan, give it to the man, no questions asked, don’t try and infuriate him by giving him what might seem like a low offer. Must remember to get recording of man accepting the offer and the money.
The Vizier seems to be such attracted to this… pseudo-ginger… can’t be good for him. Hilarious to watch. Doctor, unsure of his personality, he seems to know his job but I’m certain a doctor isn’t the total description of his occupation. Engineer, she’s genuinely greatful to have the opportunity given to her. I don’t blame her, this can be a harsh galaxy, work can be hard to come by.

To be honest, I’m a tad curious as to the nature of this mission.A Vizier being ordered around by another Vizier, there aren’t many of these people. Plus, dragging an old Legionare into the mix just to pilot the ship we have? Blending that with the odd assortment of civ’s we have…

I’m almost intimidated by the power that Frederick must have over the rest of us.  Must look into this when I can, without drawing too much attention to myself. Current Runtime: 20 Cycles.

        Third Stage

Arrived on Pristine, asked information desk about Willard, and the notebook, as well as further research information. Found map and long past article about Argyle, found out he saved a hunter – Billy Bob Joebethunt – 20 years ago. Acquired rough location on where he was 20 years ago, so far only lead we have. Waiting on Dickard for decision on where to go.
Travelled to Downport, local city Celement Basin. Then drove to Mine Site One. Conrad Verdigan in charge. No clue.

Visited hunting lodge, have information on “Willy” might know where he is. 120ks North East in his own hunting lodge.

Discovered Willard Argyle. Refused to trade with us, not looking for alternate approaches. He had something against Frederick. Here’s to hoping we don’t sit here for a hectocycle waiting for him.


Decided after some deliberation that a more round-about way of approaching would be ideal. I wasn’t keen on being blasted by remotely controlled turrets. 


Alan’s a long-time server from the legion. After asking him about it I got the closest thing to a sincere answer I’ve heard from him since. Not too sure how to take it though.

Decided since I’m out of my element here, I’ll need something to let me keep pace with everyone else. I better start learning how to put my talents with machinery and electronics to use.

Side note: It’s still cold.

Did some investigating around the lodge and found he’s a quiet man who makes a few stops in at irregular intervals and wants to be left alone.

I’m here to do a job and I can’t really risk going back empty handed so I’m afraid I’ll have to go against Argyle’s desires.


The Operation

Decided to infiltrate his household at night.
I have some regrets but the payoff was enough, I suppose. Discovered a neat way to counteract automated defence turrets with the use of standard issue emergency flares. Discovered that being on fire is the most unpleasant experience that many people will go through in their lives, my own included at this point.
Found the data we were looking for, I hope. Looks like some kind of communication interception technology. Dangerous in the wrong hands.

Heading back to GRRAS to finish off this assignment then we’ll see from there.


Return to GRRAS

Had an interesting time at one of the checkpoints, the commissar ran a very thorough check of the ship.  
Crew members gave us a bit of grief by being late on the return home.


Made it to the station, handed in our work, Frederick seemed pleased enough with our results.

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