Oliver’s Final Paper Journal

(GM, Would appreciate some assistance with dates but here we go. Oliver was born 203.471, he made his first Journal Entry the day after he turned 4, and has made them daily since, so this should make him the later half of 7 when starting this entry.  The dates are fine, I think.) This entry remains in Oliver’s backpack at all times. It hasn’t been opened since the final entry was written. The entries detailed here are only the important ones. Blank entries may include developing friendships or romances that may have meant something to him. 
210.159 – Entry 2687
Woke up this morning, I had an off Cycle. I felt motivated, I’d finished a program based on what I’d been learning from my classes. I thought it would be fun to take it out for a spin, see if I could spy some personnel records or run-of-the-mill mission reports. I found a file on that recent protest incident on Jensen. The DND said that the protesters had brought their own weaponry and broke out into a violent riot and had to be suppressed. But, from what I’ve read, the CO reported that one of his charge had opened fire on an unarmed civilian. The soldiers became panicked and fired on more and more, the civilians either tried to retaliate or fight back and there was a massacre. Accidents, however horrid, can be understood. But the DND and the Legion covered it up. None of the soldiers even received public reprimands. This is who I was going to become dedicated for. Mother and Father, all of my education has taught me to do my duty towards the Dominion and its people. We serve to protect, to make a better Galaxy and a better life. What else are they covering up? I’m shocked and, in a way, heartbroken. My course counsellor also had an off Cycle. I’ve submitted a letter of resignation from the academy, I’ve collected my important things and I’ve left the academy. I’ve been saving up the allowance Mother and Father left me. I’ve got plenty to get by on for a while. I think I’ll move off-planet and try and find something where I can put my knowledge to proper use. Maybe I can fix systems on neglected planets? I’m just thankful, my program seems to have done its job, since I don’t have the local legionnaires knocking down my door, I think my intrusion on their files went mostly unnoticed. 
210.214 – Entry 2742
Someone found me. I don’t know how. I’ve come all the way to Four-Two to stay away from these types of things, but someone found me and the files I saw from the Jensen incident. Either they clearly aren’t Legion, or they don’t think they can chase me without wasting too many resources and are trying to bait me out. They seemed quite specific, I don’t know how to feel about it all. They want to meet me. On planet, so they’ve found a way to track who I was and where I went. Perhaps it’s just faster to get the meeting out of the way. They sounded excited to find someone like me and like they wanted to employ me for something. But what possibly for?
210.215 – Entry 2743
Well, today I’m going, this could very well be my last entry. I have some confidence though.
They seemed legitimate, if there was any sort of trap it doesn’t make any sense for it to be dragged out this long. They want to help people. they want to change things for the better. I’m not sure if I’m prepared for this change of pace, this sneaking around and going against the government, I have no idea what my parents would think. I haven’t even messaged them since I left. But I want to help the Dominion, it can be better, I know I can help. Everyone can help. Even if we do so in ways we aren’t meant to. If we can weed our corruption in the Dominion, then naturally the Dominion will be cleaner. Tomorrow I’m meeting them again, they say they’ve got a place for me to stay with them to work on some projects.
210.245 – Entry 2773
Well they’re very impressed with my program, some of the other technicians here even gave me some advice on how to upgrade it, they did find me after all. They were impressed with those tests in the last three dekacycles, so we’re moving onto a larger project. Which may take us some time, but it seems to be very big. I’m supposed to hear about it more in the next dekacycle, but have been told to take is easy for now.
210.254 – Entry 2782
Had the meeting today, we’re going after a large data-file that has the detailed personnel lists for all the Legionnaires currently in service, even those undercover. There’s apparently some worry that the Legion has infiltrated the organisation we currently work for, this may help us see how far their corruption spreads and see what types of operations they’re running.
210.302 – Entry 2630
After a lot of tests, we’ve come to a conclusion that this can’t be done remotely. It’s too slow, too detectable and too unreliable. We’d definitely give ourselves away, we’ll have to do some sort of manual-linkup to one of the systems at a Legion facility. That means working on breaching security without causing a fuss. I think I’ve worked out a way to get the data moved, we just need to create one or several piercing machines that can mine data indiscriminately without trying to decode or sort it. The machines will have to be as fast as possible at breaking through firewalls, then scoop out data and leave without leaving a trace. The best thing about going to the location and doing it via cable is that any computer imprint left can only be traced to the facility it was used in, so they can’t track the computers once they’re used. We’ll need someone dedicated, talented, good at remembering several things at once and can operate all the machines competently to do the job. We’ll also need someone who can break through security systems to get us in and out of the facility, then we’ll need some information on the patrols and the defences at the facility we choose. There’s a lot of homework to do here.
211.198 – Entry 3526
Tomorrows the big day, I’ve spent the better part of the last 896 cycles learning cryptography, lock-breaching, how to disable alarms and breech firewalls. The machines are as perfect as we can get them with the technology we have available. We know the information is stored in 7 different databases, each with their own physical body to house all of the data. So we’ve constructed seven machines, bulky, uncomfortably heavy machines that will need to be carried by a person each. My official job is to focus on the alarms and getting the machines set up. Richter is with us to handle getting through any doors, should anything go wrong I’m the back up, as he is for me. Our machine-carriers are all quite competent marksmen as well, should things get messy. I’m nervous, but excited, we may finally be able to do some good with this information.
211.218 – Entry 3527
I am finally taking a breath. I finally feel safe enough.
Every waking moment, I still see it all in my head. Every waking moment, I wonder why I tested that damn program 1059 cycles ago.
We started the operation fine. We landed, we caught public transport to the closest settlement, we drove out close to the facility then endured an entire shift of hiking with nothing but water and toilet breaks to halt our pace. We had a decent radio-jammer so we wouldn’t show up on any sensors. We broke in, alarms were disabled but should’ve shown they were active. Optical surveillance was easily tricked. We traced around the patrols without issue. We got into the room without issue.
We hooked up the machines. They did their job perfectly, didn’t leave a single trace.
I was confident, we’d done it, we were free, we were going to fix everything.
After we’d packed the machines, we were ready to get back out. A Legionnaire calls out for everyone to freeze. There are no patrols in this room. There are no patrols around this entire section of the floor. Nobody even guards the room.
We panic, we run. Richter’s head explodes in an instant gush of blood, bone and brain matter. The others get cover and I run to the door and work on getting it unlocked. I can hear the fire going off, my hands are shaking. I’ve never been in a real firefight. I see more blood splatter against the wall and hear a body hit the ground. I get the door open, I step through and tell everyone to follow. The door closes almost instantly behind me. I run to the door to try and force it open, as if I had a chance. I hear guns hit the floor. The team is surrendering, I want to go with them, I’ll face the consequences with them.
Dawson screamed. “We are surrendering.” His voice was so panicked. So full of fear and regret.
All I remember hearing is more screams and automatic gunfire. My legs feel hot and they push my body further and further ahead. I didn’t worry about anything but getting out of there. Somehow I managed to without being seen.
I still see them when I sleep. I still see them when I see, hear, or think about the Legion. They are all gone, I am all that’s left. We were worried about someone being an infiltrator.
Someone betrayed us. The Legion betrayed me, has betrayed everyone. Now someone, who I thought was my friend and companion has betrayed me again.
From now on, I go alone. I cannot fix this broken place.
The Dominion is shattered through and through. I’ll live a quiet life and do what I can to make ends meet, keep my head low and forget everything. This is my final entry. Oliver Starr. 211.218. Age 7.747. Prosperity, Protection, Victory.
Equality, Liberty, Community, comrade.

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