Equipment List + HP

Oliver has 10 of his maximum 10 hit points.
Oliver has 17 Stars – Naki Balls, Remembering a Fire Extinguisher, Lizard Phallus, Beating Automated Turrets, +5 for long participation, A well crafted response to the Commissar during an Interview, Fore-Fore with Erin, Being a Loner Family Guy Style, For having a Written Journal about his traumatic past, for making a… correct? funny? Intuitive? Assessment of “Nanny”, and for writing up his Legion-assigned Dossiers, Sticking true to character.
Oliver has a total of 10 XP Points.
Oliver has spent XP points on:
5 – Advantage – Talent 1 (Computer Wizard)
1 – Skill – Engineering (Electronics) Skill Level – 11
1 – Skill – Speed Reading Skill Level – 12

Oliver’s favourite colour is Orange. It says here I’ve spent 7xp but my character is only worth 106 points, I believe I had the same skill in their twice somewhere and removed it and added in Speed Reading.

Any suggestions on skills Oliver might be learning from Argyle’s notes would be appreciated.
Oliver has 4 Unspent XP Points.

Detailed list of the items and equipment Oliver has on him, easier than remaking a PDF every time he picks something up. Stats will be included on character sheet

Oliver has ʄ78313
His standard clothing
An Electrolaser Pistol with 5 Ammo Cells
One set of Analog Lock Picks
One set of Electronic Lock Picks
A portable Blowtorch
One small torch
Two Flashlights
A flare gun
Six (two) Survival Flares. (6-3+6-1-4(To Alan)?)
An incomplete set of “Google Glasses” and components to finish it with.
A metal water canteen.
A standard issue Aerostat First Aid Kit minus enough bandage spray [UT197] to cover a bullet wound from an automatic turret.
A standard issue Aerostat Tool Box <- The tool box he knocked off from the Aerostat rental company has been useful with the goggles
A Backpack Containing:
    His Personal Laptop
    His Personal Data Assistant
    A Legion-issue Personal Data Assistant
    An assortment of books, some historical and some learning material including a book on Electro-Engineering and a Personal Journal that he never opens, shows to anyone, or takes out of his bag unless required to by law. 
    Several large bundles of receipts held together by various paperclips, rubber-bands and money-clips. Each bundle has a piece of paper listing the dates between which the receipts were obtained.
    A spare set of Analog Lock Picks
    A spare set of Electronic Lock Picks
    A 25cm Glass Statue of Overlord Zarg

4 Responses

  1. Overlord Frank says:

    1. I have amended the first aid use in purple (at TL9 you get spray-on bandages.)
    2. Flare count is accurate as far as I recall.
    3. What was the ticket thing? I don’t actually recall that.

    • Oliver Starr says:

      1&2 Thanks, awesome.

      3. No idea its just on my sheet.

    • Overlord Frank says:

      I have a vague memory that my original thinking was to have the spaceport a couple of thousand km from the mine and the lodge so you needed to catch local transport to get there. As that is not what we played, just forget about the tickets.

  2. Overlord Frank says:

    See my notes in purple; amend as you wish.

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