Oliver Starr

Mer ID:  F-203471-TZ-MLE-77-001-A

Born:   Russell’s World on 203.471, age 8

Oliver’s name was chosen as an alternative to hyphenation. Though he has an almost pure FF bloodline, there was one Hybrid at one point several generations ago in the Oliver family and he was given Starr as his last name by parents decision. To keep both family names running, he was named Oliver after his father Ian’s family name.
Oliver was a very bright boy growing up and his parents instilled him with a solid work and study ethic to keep his mind fresh. He lived a typical life with two working parents in his younger years of being cared for by the dominion for 7 out of 3 cycles, his father taking him on his off-cycles and his mother visiting whenever she had shore leave or “Mandatory Recreation Sentences”. The latter of which she wasn’t a fan of, simply because it was less time working.
Though he didn’t receive the most amount of affection, his parents both paid close attention to him, gave him their support and did their best to instil their traditions, ethics and lifestyle on to him lovingly.
His strongest memory that embodies their parenting methods towards him was a day that Marissa was on leave. She took him to a shooting range to teach him how to fire a laser-pistol while Ian was at work. After they returned, Ian already home, Oliver excitedly told him: “Father! Mother taught me how to fire a gun today!” To which Ian replied, “I see…” ducked out of the room for a moment and came back with a box and said: “This is a first aid kit and we’re going to learn how to use it right now.”
Oliver was raised to be a model citizen, to be a benefit to the Dominion and a hard worker. He was an optimist and an idealist, ready to change the Dominion for the better.
He did very well on his exams and already had job offers from both the Legion and the Vizierate upon entering his Academy stage of education, to be accepted once he had his qualifications. He studied to be a technician specialising in cyber-warfare and counter-terrorism.  

However, after some events near the end of Academy, he left Russell’s World, taking the money his parents had saved up for him and abandoned the typical life of a Dominion worker.

He hasn’t spoken to his parents since. 



1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    I thought of the dumbest way that Oliver got his name and i cant wait to make it official

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