F-039-Oliver: Spanial (Hyperspace to Mundo Zargo), Engineering

The other end from the thumb plate actually has a standard Widget connector, so it will slot directly into his PDA, if that’s what he’d like to do.  
He’ll just have to be careful as it could be easily damaged if knocked while connected like that; annoyingly, it doesn’t look like it will fit into one of the standard Widget enclosure form factors to protect it.

Assuming that’s what he’d like to do, he will find that his PDA won’t read the device.  It detects that there’s something there, but refuses to mount it as a storage location, or any other type of device. 
He can try Computer Programming if he’d like to try to tackle it as a software problem or Electronics Repair (Computer) if he’d like to tackle it as a hardware problem.  He can try both, if he wishes, but I’ll assume the rolls happen in the order you present.
Incidentally, he may find it easier to use his laptop than his PDA for this problem.
Alternately, there may be other avenues of investigation that he’d like to try?
What would he like to do?

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Is there space for him to set up his laptop? If so, he will and will take the hardware approach. Rolling 14 vs 16

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