E-365-Oliver: Merchant Freighter Spanial (Docked at Zarg’s World Highport)


“Alright, come see me when you’re ready if it isn’t urgent.”

Jennie says, “No, Gregar, shuttle seemed fine.  I’m going to get some sleep so I can be fresh for undock tomorrow.”

To Oliver she says, “Gregar and I usually sleep through some or all of Blue Shift, it’s late for us.”

He says, “Yeah, I’m going to grab a quick nap then recalibrate the number 2 thruster, get it done while we’re still in dock.

“Prrri’s due for sleep at the start of Red.”

Jennie nods, “Good, he’ll be alert for departure.” 

Then she asks, “what’s your usual sleep pattern, Oliver?”  


The Hopper is in the Cargo Hold, which is currently depressurised.  Oliver can put on a Vacc Suit, or pressurise the hold.


I did enjoy you allowing the uncomfortable silence to be uncomfortable…  ;-D

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver takes note of their patterns. “I usually sleep in Red, but I can adapt. That was just my old cycle on the ship, three man command.”

    If he’d know this he would ask if it’s okay to pressurise the hold while we’re still docked before going on his way, and if the affirmative is given he will do so.

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