E-302: Zarg’s World Downport, Circus Galacta

Jennie and Oliver

Jennie nods again, “Have you seen the circus before?”

Sideshow Dome

The group as a rule seem happy to amble and enjoy the street performers – it’s been a long time since anyone aboard had a long liberty and the Circus is full of sounds and colours and people that isn’t seen even on the busiest starport concourse.

Kwint spots a shooting gallery and decides to have a try, and Kort joins him.

The game operator urges the rest of the group to come and play, “How about you Mer?  Or you?  Knock down the lizards and win a prize!” 

2 Responses

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia is amused and expects these two to be competitive. She has no desire to shoot things.

  2. Oliver Starr says:

    “My father took me once when I was younger. It was a different group though.”

    These expensive tickets meant free games right? He might try and get some value for his money and have a shot.

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