C-032: Maldemar 732 (Hyperspace to Adal), Oliver’s Cabin
“I always liked Pisvlek, which apparently means piss-stain and is used when you’re talking about someone you don’t have a high opinion of.”
fyi, Argyle wrote about this: It’s easy to see why this was censored – can’t have the Vizierate looking like a bunch of manipulative schemers, nor the Legion relegated in power behind a furry alien and a religious wacko as happens to the Legion law enforcer in this vid. Political undertones aside, the dialogue is sparsely brilliant and the decision not to provide translations enhances the feeling of Cotton’s cultural shock and isolation. I’ve heard there’s a copy of this vid circulating that’s been dubbed over, but the thought of a Felline speaking perfectly enunciated Dominion Language seems like an abomination to me. The scenes in the jungle on Felline are brilliantly shot and the cinematographer makes amazing use of light filtering through the trees and plants. This is one of the best independently made vids I have seen.
Noted for Argtles review
“Pisvlek, I’ll have to remember that one in case the war ever ends and lizard genitals become taboo.”