B-541: Merchant Freighter Spanial (Docked at Zarg’s World Highport), Common Room
The Vizant glances at the Legionnaire, Lia detects a level of tension in what is apparently a joint operation between the Vizierate and Legion.
Lia can see the Vizant relax; his shoulders lower as he breathes out and nods.
“I wouldn’t expect you to provide us with something of value that would actively detriment your operations. I may find myself too focused on finding my fugitive to process any other matters.”
Karmen seems to clutch on to this and takes the plunge, “so, Pristine’s pretty close to the border with Separatist space. Sometimes a ship can make extra Money by dropping people off in a system just near the Separatist border. Could be that this fella you’re after got dropped off there.”
Lia is listening and watching the Vizant and Legion Officer carefully.