B-033: Spanial (N-space to Jump Point)
I assume they continue destashing (unstashing? exstashing?), yes.
Re drugs – See new page on Recreational Drugs for notes on differences.
GM Makes an Error
So, I realised writing the above page that I actually made Zoner! a Very Expensive rather than an Expensive drug with regard to what’s being charged per hit. A Zoner! addiction is actually a -25 point Disadvantage not a -15 point one.
Would you like:
- Zoner! continues to be a Very Expensive drug
- Lia can have 10 points to spend (subject to maintaining character consistency)
- Zoner! becomes an Expensive drug and the game world subtly retrospectively alters such that the same economic pressures that drove her decisions still applied at the time
- Lia will shortly come into an unexpected monetary windfall to the value of what she’s overspent on Zoner! OR
Lia will shortly come into an unexpected windfall of extra Zoner! hits
I note also that Zoner!, although a hallucinogen, has no point cost for the Hallucinogenic effect (-10) and have modified the rule accordingly so Lia can probably shrug off its effects of she needs to. Are you OK with that change?
Good lord, this is a lot of information… May I ponder which of those options I might choose for a bit and get back to you?
Regarding the hallucinogenic question – I’m slightly torn. The dramatic possibilities of keeping it are attractive. Is it possible that exceptionally high quality Zoner might produce this effect? The sort of thing that once tasted, will always be sought but rarely found? Bats eyelashes