A-266: Spanial

Also a Good Question…

Things are similar and different to contemporary offerings.  Plenty of action adventure, crime drama, musicals, romantic drama and comedy.  A variety of serials and series (which can be interesting for a ship on the move as several episodes might arrive on entering a new system, although no updates came in while at Zarg’s World…Ipan had the ship running silent, without net updates.)  

There are historical shows, though their accuracy may be…questionable (but not too loudly.) 

There are news and documentaries.

What there isn’t, is anything that tends to portray the Dominion in a poor light, there is lots of escapist fantasy but it tends to be small scale rather than epic, eg more romantic escapism than superheros.  The success of the everyman through hard work is a common theme in many works.

Spanial has a good entertainment library.

Hull Fragment

Prrri brings her a sample from Spanial’s stores that is used to repair a hull breach (as a repair part, it is a lot bigger than the flake and is quite heavy – he brings it in on a small trolley.)

Roll chemistry.

On the Scent

She tweaks a bit…it’s still good; maybe a little better.  Perhaps just different.


The presence of an audience seems to steel the resolve of the two not to be the first to stop.

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Let’s say her book is Crime Drama but she’s watching a fluffy Musical that requires no brain power.

    7 vs 11 for Chemistry.

    She will leave the scent for a bit and come back to it later. Her focus will remain on the two jewellery pieces.

    She will continue to be amused by the boys’ competition. Eventually she will begin some stretches of her own.

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