A-176: Spanial, Common Area
She stands, “I think I’d like a drink too.”
She continues, “for sure, I also think that there’s a difference between nice-as-experienced, an idea that people might be genuinely-nice, even though some other people might never see that, and I think there’s also another category that we’ve seen demonstrated but not discussed, which might be called ‘compassion-is-not-necessarily-nice’.
“That’s what Lia’s been doing, making you feel like a fool so you remember the lesson.”
She ruffles Ipan’s hair and he flinches away, “So maybe you remember that when I tell you off about your scruffy head because I don’t want you to catch it in the helmet seal of a vacc suit.”
“My intention is not to make you feel like a fool, Ipan. Apologies if that’s what I’ve done. It’s more to illustrate the point that we’re not all as we appear.”
She gives a slightly penitent smile, that turns a little sad towards the end.
“Some of us…wear several faces…”
She turns back to her drink.
“I’m interested in the concept of ‘compassion is not necessarily nice’. Care to expand on that?”