A-127: Spanial, Common Area
In response to her display, Prrri slowly blinks his eyes, holding them shut for nearly a second.
“Xi wasss thinnking about xow elextrrolaserrs worrk. Not much usse in vaxuum, so…,” he gestures to the capsule sample.
Gregar says, “so instead of the laser creating a conductive path through a gas medium they use a mechanical approach to create one where there is no gas?”
There’s a lengthy pause, then Karmen says drily, “The word you’re looking for is Taser.”
How might Lia interpret that blink, if at all?
Lia will make a noise that is somewhat akin to a purr in response to the observations.
She is examining the capsules and threads.
“So these would extend the reach of the charge… but are they self-regulating or do they require external ignition…”