9-449: Pristine, Clement Basin Public Medical Centre
“Is it? Interesting.”
Dicard reaches under his sheet and hands Oliver his PDA.
I’m happy that Oliver can share all the necessary data with Dicard.
Zarg’s World is a type A colony in Octant 7, by population, the smallest such. It’s reasonable to assume there will be high quality medical care at such a place, though being named after the current overlord is not necessarily a mark of distinction… If he wishes, Oliver may make an IQ roll as a default for History; bonus for Eidetic Memory.
Fromm studies Dicard and Oliver, says, “very well.”
Chris blinks and remains silent.
Alan says, “You don’t want me to stay?”
To which Fromm says, “You have to fly the ship.”
Roll 10 vs 13.
“Fromm’s correct Alan. If our assumption is correct then you’re best with the departure team for achieving our goal.”
I rolled a 9 for Psychology. How do the other members seem to feel about the team choices?