9-448: Pristine, Clement Basin Public Medical Centre
Dicard mulls this over for a bit.
He seems to fade in and out a little, as if he’s recovering from anaesthetic, but he’s making a real effort to focus despite obvious fatigue.
“Well, from everything you’ve said, he must have had help here.”
He frowns, “I’ll be stuck here a bit longer healing…
“You take the ship and go after the main lead, I’ll stay here, recover, follow up on the local leads, like Iceheart’s and investigate the other possibilities, It’s possible he left a copy of the Notebook with one of the contacts here, or they might know something. I’ll catch up with you later or you can come and retrieve me.
“Leave me Uddin or Fromm.”
“Accordind to Malan, Pristine is a people smuggling hotspot.”
Oliver travels over to wherever Dicard’s stuff is. “Is your PDA here? I’ll [copy you all the data I grabbed/write down what we know].”
Oliver would’ve probably taken a copy of everyrhing he could’ve at the space station. I do realise I didn’t mention it so I’m happy to abuse his eidetic memory and have him write what he found down, if either of those are fine.
Then he turns to Fromm and Uddin. “Fromm, my gut reaction is to leave you with Dicard so you may monitor his recovery. Zarg’s world being what it is, Halcyon and I should be able to patch anybody up and get them to a hospital if necessary. Do either of you disagree?”
(I’m assume Zarg’s world is fairly metropolitan or well established, being named after the current Overlord? If I’m incorrect I can change my speech.)