9-407: Pristine, Downport Administration
Fromm says, “well, it would need life support of some sort. Water, oxygen, insulation. Some form of waste storage for long occupancy. Possibly radiation shielding.”
Alan glances at Fromm, says, “yeah, like an advanced base the Legion uses.”
Fromm regards him dubiously, “I don’t think that is what we’re looking for.”
“Sorry Ser ‘well if it’s going to support life, it’ll need life support’.”
“I’m a Physician, not a Load Master.”
They lapse into silence.
Chris says, “pity Erin isn’t here, she knows all about that sort of stuff.”
Oliver scrunches up his face. “What about if he’s being smuggled, not stowing away. He could be loaded in and then just get out once he’s inside, right?”