9-311: Pristine, Mine Site One, Legion PSO
Something’s Missing…
Oliver brings up the videos for 211.297, the last time they saw Argyle. That was around local starset that Cycle, or BR08.
He fast-forwards to the next Cycle, watching a featureless gate.
The star rises and sets.
Not long after dark, GG08 on 211.298, he sees Argyle arrive at the rear gate of the mine on the white skidoo.
A Quick Look…
The rear gate does see occasional use by others, eg a maintenance truck leaves and enters, a blue crawler leaves and returns with a dead Alpcow strapped to the rear deck, someone in blue coveralls comes and services the gate intercom, but it’s clearly not common.
The PSO nods in agreement with his comment.
How long did we take to return to the Lodge after our first departure?