9-245: Pristine, Clement Basin, Legion Cast
The Over Officer sizes him up, seems to appreciate his anger.
“I’ll take you to the impound. Anything I can do to help you get the lizard turd.”
The Chief of Ops indicates agreement and wishes them good luck, leaving an open offer to come back if they need anything.
If there’s nothing else, Over Officer Calley will lead the team back out, along subterranean corridors, up stairs and outside across the compound to a large double-height but single storey warehouse made of stone with a metal roof.
A Staff Sub-Officer greets them. At Calley’s order he brings up the relevant inventory entry with the seized property and gives Oliver a widget containing the data.
He offers to take Oliver and the team into the warehouse if they’d like to inspect any of the items.
Oliver will read over the inventory and accept the offer to be taken to the warehouse.