9-149: Argyle’s Lodge, Garage Exterior

Oliver recalls the Garage has an internal door with several flights of stairs leading to the lobby.

Alternately, the main building is up a steep slope, about 25m away (although it’s closer to 35-40m in reality because you have to walk around a loop unless you actually want to climb.




Dicard snaps, “Your comfort is not our prime concern, what is the most tactically sound option?”


1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver stares daggers at Dicard before looking up at the lodge.
    “Tactically, we can enter the way we feel familiar with or go from this point, where we aren’t exposing ourselves to the outside.”

    From memory there was a worry about a turret on the stairs between the garage and the lodge but none was found?
    If there was none, Oliver will continue into the garage with an unbroken flare in hand.

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