9-137: Peyton’s Hunting Lodge

Thank you; I shall consider that a GM Star 😉

Of the pre-rolled nightmare checks he has a crit fail in the future at some point in the next 10 long sleeps, though in strict order it wasn’t due to come up yet…

It feels appropriate that it should be, so if you’re happy to agree to take it as such you can have a star.  

Alternately, you can treat this as a regular fail and lose 1FP; the crit fail is still waiting in the future.

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    I’ll take the critical failure and accept the future one coming too. Oliver is probably quite stressed, heading back to traumatising territory.

    I’ll need to look up what happens on a crit fail…

    Oliver gets up and binges on sweet coffee, has breakfast and does that thing where you read but you start thinking about something else and when you get to the end of a page you realise you’ve absorbed no information and have to keep going back to actually read it.

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