8-580: Spanial, Control

Lia’s Observation

Lia thinks it’s possible those ring structures are actually an annular closed wing design, suggesting these ships are air and space capable, like what she flies. 


Jennie apparently abandons her detailed console workings, hits a control and deploys the small manual control joystick, “Stand by for thrust.”

A vibration begins rumbling through the ship’s structure and Lia is gradually pressed down into her seat.  On the screen, the image of the other ship is lost for several seconds before Ipan corrects it and re-acquires the image.

Gregar’s voice comes over comms, “Thrusters passing through 100% of standard rated output.”

Would Lia like to do anything?  Are there any questions?

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia is inappropriately distracted by first sight of what she assumes to be a Yarg vessel.

    She will be attempting to record as much detail about this experience as she possibly can.

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