8-565: Spanial, Common Room
The last little while must have been a chatty time…
Gregar has pressurised the docking bay but recommended people keep their suits on as a precaution – apparently it’s really not designed to be pressurised without the shuttle in there taking up most of the space and it puts a big load on the life support systems. Lia can probably doff her helmet temporarily though.
Jennie frowns, says, “That sounds nasty.
“I looked in on her, she’s already snoring. We’ll check on her periodically.”
She glances around at the gear in the Common Area, “What was it like over there?”
Lia pauses.
“Eerie. Bodies floating all over the place; most were in suits but some obviously got caught by surprise… Several were armed and I collected a few strange substances that I couldn’t identity.”
She will point out the red strand things, the iridescent mesh, the discs and the partial egg in the box.
“I’ll need to run some tests to figure out more information on them. Some seem to be identifiable metals but not constructed in any way I’ve ever seen… anyway. I’ll let you know more when I’ve run tests.”