8-514: Shipwreck, Cabin 7.2
The widget is apparently unencrypted, there are three files on it.
Lia can bring up the first document on her vacc suit’s helmet display.
Consignee: Prohaska Trog-Yanos INVENTORY 1x Gyroc Rifle 15mm 2x Gyroc Pistol 15mm 3x Magazines for each Gyroc rifle and pistol 50x Conventional 15mm Gyroc Rounds 20x HP 15mm Gyroc Rounds 5x Flare (Red) 15mm Gyroc Rounds 10x APHC 15mm Gyroc Rounds 5x MB 15mm Gyroc Rounds 1x Electrolaser pistol (with lethal setting capability) 4x C-Cell for Electrolaser Slings, holsters and smartgun links included 2x Stun Stick 4x B-Cell for Stun Stick NOTE These arms have been de-identified and should be untraceable. However, it will be safer to destroy them rather than risk their loss to the Legion. Destroy this inventory after checking. -Z |
The second document reads:
To: Prohaska Trog-Yanos MISSION BRIEF Safeguard new and existing artefacts as first-order priority. Safeguard the science team as a second-order priority (Thurston-Thurston-Thurston, Wentworth, Roy-Hinkley, in that order.) Note: Science team believes their safety is first order priority, recommend you maintain this belief. Safeguard contracted ship and crew as third-order priority (note that their safety may be necessary to support higher priorities.) Any means necessary are authorised. AUTHENTICATION Attached file contains authentication codes and biometrics of authorised personnel who will be sent as follow-on. If any follow-on contact is not led by an authorised person, kill all contacts. Authorised contacts will have follow-on instructions. Contact protocols are as previously briefed. NOTE Destroy these instructions after reading. Oodachi! -Z |
The third file is not a document, probably the attachment mentioned in the second document.
Has Kort mentioned any follow-on instructions or authentication codes?
Does Lia know what Oodachi means?