8-500: Shipwreck, Cargo Hold
Karmen says, “Whoever shot this ship up, I think if they knew we were here we’d already be taking fire, for sure.”
She comes to a decision, whatever it may hold…
“Let’s get those missiles aboard the Hopper. Prrrri, pick out whatever the most valuable parts are that will fill up the remaining spaces in the hopper. Lia, you have an eye for value, grab what you can. Let’s make sure we have tags and genetic samples of all the bodies we’ve found. Prrri, Kort if you can figure a way to get into Control in the next task, do it, otherwise, we’re heading back to Spanial and we’ll work out what to do from there.”
She pauses a moment.
“Kort, if you’re true to your word, you can be a wealthy man; if not, I swear I will end you before I go down.”
Kort laughs a bark in response, then, “You want me to carry the missiles, Captain?”
Karmen flips a rude gesture at him and says, “get to work.”
Lia will take her new bag and begin making her way back through the rooms and cabins.