8-475: Shipwreck Cargo Hold

Famous Smugglers

Kort checks out the crate, pulls out a shoulder arm, “Gyroc Rifles,” he peers in, “and pistols…and ammo.”


Looting Salvage

Karmen says, “For sure, the fewer trips back and forth the better.  We need to prioritise.  There’s the gear here, the bodies, that safe we found…”

She trails off; apparently thinking.


Uniform Strangeness

All official bureaucracy uniforms are Cobalt Blue, with individual Bureaus distinguished by labels or badges.  I can’t think where Lia might have seen them; you can try for a critical success on an Observation roll if you wish.

Kort says, “yeah, that’s them.”


The Big Z



Do you mean the field of agriculture or the field of sending people into restricted space on dodgy missions in close proximity to aliens?


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Nope, no crit successes here.

    I do not deign to respond to your excessive sarcasm…

    Lia is at a bit of a loose end.

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