8-473: Shipwreck Cargo Hold

Oh, How Clever?

Karmen says, “some of these parts might be valuable.  Pity that crane’s not working, I’d like to see what else is here.”

She goes over to check out the hole in the hull.

Prrri has a quick look through some of the parts crates, “Axreed, we xould usse somme off thesse xomponentss.”

He follows Karmen and begins giving her a report on the door to Control.

Kort glances at the crate of uniforms and says, “You know, these are the same types of clothes that some of people associated with…our employer…were wearing when I was at their facility.”

If you’re a famous smuggler, you’re not doing it right.

Roll Observation please.

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    12 vs 13 Observation
    11 vs 13 Smuggling if it’s relevant

    Lia takes note of Kort’s comment. She would like a closer look at the uniforms after she’s finished with this.

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