8-472: Shipwreck Cargo Hold

Not even recreation crate #4?

Everything she can check seems to be as described.

Can you please make three IQ rolls, one for each of the other members of Lia’s team.

What now for Lia?

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Well yes, crate 4 is interesting but not the most practical thing to transport on the Hopper. She will ask if anyone has any bright ideas for taking bulkier items back to the Spanial.

    IQ rolls: 12, 11, 10 respectively would you believe…

    Lia would like to take a long look around this Cargo Bay and see if she can spot any little hidey holes that might have interesting things squirreled away in them. Being a smuggler, I assume she knows something about this.

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