8-460: Shipwreck Cargo Hold

Karmen acknowledges the transmission, says, “I’ll stay with Kort; I don’t think it’s a good idea to leave anyone alone.”

It takes a few moments for Lia and Prrri to get the hold airlock door open using a variation on the same process as previously, but once that’s done she can enter the Hold.

I’m guessing she will walk around the hold wall.  Prrri will follow along beside her.

The body is strapped into an acceleration couch in front of a console that looks out of place and jury rigged.  Inside the suit is a dead man, his face a mangled mess from the impact of the metal fragment.  Closer inspection shows a number of other suit punctures from various bits of debris.  I don’t think Lia is a forensic expert, but he probably died instantly when the hole was punched through the hull.

Is she looking for/at anything else in particular?  How about a PER roll?

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    She will look the man’s tags but is a little squeamish about it.

    Which might explain the 16 I just rolled for Per…

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