8-458: Shipwreck Spar Section, Decks 10 and 11

Prrri and Lia push together; there’s a sudden blast of air through the door crack and one of the doors is flung violently open as the air in the lock escapes past them.

Lia may stagger slightly as the pressure against the opposite side of the door is released, but she and Prrri both rolled well for ST so I’ll say they are quite controlled in their application of force and recover easily.

Beyond is an airlock, the opposite doors sealed.  Through a viewport they can see that this is, indeed, the Cargo Hold.

[I need to get back to work, so give me a PER roll and I’ll fill in more details next post.]

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    9 vs 13 Per

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