8-455: Shipwreck Spar Section, Decks 10 and 11

From behind her Prrri says, “thiss looks like ann airrrlock.”

Now Lia has a better look at the doors she can see it’s so.

Prrri continues, “therre xould be a mannual override ssomewherre.”

He begins hunting and he (or Lia) will quickly find an access panel.  His vision seems better adapted to this dark environment than Lia’s, so he seems to have an easier time spotting some things.

Inside the access panel is a big lever labelled Manual Unlock.

Meanwhile over comms, Karmen seems to be talking to Kort about progress with the Control door.

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia will look at Prrri.

    “What do you think? Shall we?”

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