8-437: Shipwreck Habitat Section, Deck 2
Karmen says, “Yeah, I reckon so.”
She follows Lia into the the room, walking around the walls.
Lia will be able to pick up several items of tools and tech that will aid her in the performance of Chemistry and Geology skill (and possibly with her Jewelry and Perfumery activities.) There is larger equipment here that might also be useful, but that’s too big to easily pocket.
Lia and Karmen can identify the bodies as Schafer Wentworth (the woman) and Backus Thurston-Thurston-Thurston (the man). Both have gold ID tags, which give their ages as 23 and 19, respectively.
Lia will be excited about the new toys, particularly considering the list of experiments she has planned based on this trip so far.
Lia will look at Karmen when they notice the tags.
“Golds? Interesting…”