8-411: Shipwreck Habitat Section, Deck 5
I’ll leave prior experience up to you.
Lockpicking defaults to IQ-5, with mods for lock difficulty and equipment.
Lia’s grifter ability will let her know that a safe such as this basically requires a thumbprint pressed against the sensor to be unlocked.
You may roll if you wish her to try, however this will be quite difficult.
To be clear, the above applies to the safe. The lock on the drawer is simpler and may even be able to be forced.
She frowns at the locked desk drawer.
“Any ideas about how to get into this?”
See my amendment; does that change anything?
Yes, she’s having a look at the drawer and the desk to see if she can get into that drawer somehow.
12 vs 13 Int (or whatever skill might be appropriate)