8-394: Shipwreck Spar Section, Deck 7

Karmen crawls into the Spar space of Deck 7.

Lia can position herself whever she likes; the spin forces being a little more notable here, so a wall, or even the ceiling may be preferable.  

This seems to be a standard area, similar to Deck 9.  The elevator only has a ‘Call Car’ button.  The elevator doors are closed.  There are a pair of doors, closed, that lead to the Habitat cylinder.

However, there looks to be plenty of damage here,  The upper and lower mesh floor/ceilings are badly deformed.  The metal surfaces still have the pinprick marks all over them, plus there look to be larger holes in the mesh divider (ceiling) between Deck 7 and Deck 6. 

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia will carefully step her way along a wall; choosing her footing with care.

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