8-382: Shipwreck Habitat Section, Deck 8

Fair’s fair I guess… if she’d rolled any worse to know what those little marks were she would have given you a very authoritative and totally wrong answer…

Lia searches about.  This cabin appears to belong to a woman about 163cm tall with a slim figure.  A framed certificate on one wall suggests her name is Ann Summer-Wells and that she is probably the Chief Engineer.  It looks like she was working on something at her terminal and didn’t secure things, but other than that the cabin is quite neat.  An uncapped drink bottle looks like the source of the ice crystals.  Some hardcopy documents, possibly engineering stuff, floats by.  Lia finds a money card and a PDA in a wallet together floating lose.  On the desk is clipped a photo of a dark-haired pre-teen girl smiling into the camera.  

Over comms, Karmen says, “Huh.  This guy, Denver Will-Egan, looks like he’s the Navigator and Scan-Officer.  Small crew.  Two in Control, now that’s a heavy workload for sure.  Three engineers.  Four passengers.  Says this is a ‘research mission’ no, wait, here he says it’s a ‘trading mission’.  Name of the ship’s the Cyprinidae.” 

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia will take the money card and the PDA in the wallet and anything else smallish that looks interesting.

    The photo will give her pause. She will gently unclip it and look at it for a moment, before securing it in a pocket.

    I assume the hard copy documents are too big to secure in a pocket?

    “I think I’m in the Chief Engineer’s quarters. We’ll have to see if Samuel recognises that name. Are you reading a log?”

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