8-381: Shipwreck Habitat Section, Deck 8

The interior of the cabin is undamaged, except it looks messy like the other cabins.  It seems the ship was subjected to some sudden G-forces that have dislodged anything not fully secured, and in these cabins near the centre of spin, those bits and pieces are floating around as the ship tumbles through orbit.

It looks in here as if a bottle of something has broken or leaked, and a shower of small ice crystals are bouncing about and reflecting the light from Lia’s helmet.

Roll to search?  Or do something else?  

You can give me a roll to see how successful Karmen is too.

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    10 vs 13 Observation for Lia

    Oh fuck off. Nat 3 for Karmen. Fuck you Karmen…

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