8-337: Shipwreck Hull

Karmen was originally reluctant to do this for a reason…

…and true, it’s a long way from drinks and canapes at some high-society do…

…but still, isn’t Lia a bit curious about the mysterious space wreck in a restricted system on the edge of the Dominion?

Meanwhile, Prrri takes the hammer from his tail and hods it in both hands, then he slams it with all his strength down on the edge of one of the teeth.  Lia sees a small shard of metal fly off and Prrri grabs it.

“Xi should not bee able too doo thatt.”

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Yes, she is a bit curious and therefore attempting to quash her inner caution. However, she would prefer not to lose crew members on this little jaunt… 😋

    She will hesitate uncertainly for a moment before heading towards Prrri.

    “Prrri? What is it?”

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