8-206: Merchant Freighter Spanial – Cargo Hold

Prrri looks up from his work and stands for several seconds in silence, his ears flicking and looking between the container and Lia.

Then he pads over and briefly studies the lock.

He makes a noise like he just shotgunned a tub of yoghurt and says, “Compleks…  Xgrregarr might know morre aboutt lock ssexurrity mechannism… lox xassp annd body is a xarrdened, llaminated alloyy, like Sspannial’s arrmourr…”

He flicks his tail round, possibly pointing to the ship.


He studies the container for several seconds before reaching out and tapping the lockrod handle with a vacc-suit-gloved claw (Prrri’s suit gloves seem to be reinforced at the tips of the fingers.)

“…rright xerre, whxerre thee xanndle choins thee lock barr, iss a ssingle, orrdinarry sstteel, pinn.  Xif Xi wannted too get inn herre, annd I xould nnot gett thee key, I xwoulld drrrill thiss pin out.”  



You can see the handles move up and down, pivoting on a metal pin (the pin on the second-from-right lockrod handle is clearest in the picture.) 




1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia turns and grins at him.

    “And would it be possible to do that without it being obvious that it had been removed? Could it be replaced?”

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