8-189: Shuttle Hio

Note, in GURPS:
  • You should only roll if there is a chance of meaningful failure or gainful success, specifically:
    • A PC’s health, wealth, friends, reputation, or equipment are at risk.
    • A PC stands to gain allies, information, new abilities, social standing, or wealth.
  • An unmodified roll assumes you are using the skill under some form of stress and difficulty, as per the rules example.  
My main reason for requiring a roll from Lia was to do with her lack of familiarity with Hio.

All of which is to say she moves the ship without any problems.

In the Hold, the Comm Buoy is launched without issues:

KST:  [grunts] “This is heavier than it looks.”

PH:  Unintelligible.

Lia can watch on the monitor as the Buoy moves out of the lock and toward the asteroid.  It’s black-painted form quickly lost in the shadow of the giant rock.

Gregar reports shortly after the the Buoy is in a stable position and he switches it to autonomous control.

Kwint’s says, “Well, I’d better drop you guys back and get going.”

He returns to his seat, “You want to take us back or will I?”

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    She grins.

    “I will if you keep an eye on me. I know shuttles but this is still new.”

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