8-118: Zarg’s World – Parda’s Second Hand Books, Videos and Bric-a-Brac


Despite Kwint’s fears, Parda’s seems to be open.  Inside, shelves are stacked ceiling high with hardcopy prints of books, both professional and hand made; various bits of obscure equipment and household goods are grouped into categories on shelves and tables, the latter usually because they have some artistice bent, even if hideous.  One one wall, storage widgets are glued to cards that describe their entertainment content, and a stand-alone computer promises a larger catalogue for viewing.

In a corner of the shop, a thin man in a crumpled jacket seems to be carefully looking through a collection of model spaceship kits.

As the enter a middle aged woman near something that is probably the service counter, but is difficult to tell apart from the rest of the shop, looks up and turns off the vid she has been watching.

“Reddening!  Come in.”


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia will follow Kwint in and get distracted by all the random shinies.

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