8-065: Merchant Freighter Spanial – Cargo Hold

The giant cylindrical space of the Cargo Hold is almost entirely empty.  

Offset from the centre, a gridded framework rises above Lia’s head where cargo containers can be securely attached, but none are right now.  It is chilly in here, perhaps 10 degrees Centigrade.  A light layer of condensation has formed on the metal surfaces.  There is no gravity in here, and Lia would know enough to wear her sticky boots.  The soles of the boots are coated with a substance like velcro, only the hooks are much smaller, and they adhere to the matching material in which much of the hold is coated.  If she walks carefully, it will prevent her flying off into the empty space.  She has the option of wearing sticky gloves too (I’ll assume she has them with her, even if she hasn’t put them on.)

The atmosphere in here is currently low in pressure but high in oxygen content; it’s uncomfortable to breathe and is something of a fire risk.  Lia may find herself panting slightly and her eyes may be irritated; goggles are an option.

The Spanial’s cargo manifest currently reads as follows: 

Cargo Manifest, Merchant Freighter Spanial

1. Speculative Goods, Spanial, 5 Ton, Consumer Electronics
2. Cargo,  Mundo Zargo Trade Bureau, 10 ton, Agricultural Sample Storage Facility
3. Leased space, Lia Silver-Rose, 1 Ton, <I think this is empty at the moment as Lia has not purchased any cargo to fill it?  If so it will read 'Unused'>
4. Ship's Equipment, Spanial, 10 Ton, Hopper + Support Gear

The manifest also has a series of stowage location codes against each item.

Item #1 correlates with a stack of crates that are stacked in one corner of the Hold   
Item #2 is a single, small shipping container bearing the logo of the Trade Bureau.  A cable runs from an outlet in the floor to a socket in the container.
Item #3 is, I think, a book keeping entry and has no physical counterpart.
Item #4 is a small open-topped vehicle, about the size of a ground car and some extra crates.

When she enters the hold, Lia is standing on the flat bottom of a giant cylinder.  All the items are attached to the same surface.  Except for Item#1, which she remembers as being in here the very first time she helped with cargo, everything else is new since she unloaded at Mundo Zargo. 

Give me a Social roll (you can choose Diplomacy or Fast Talk for the bouncy puppy routine) and a Perception roll please.

The Sub Officer takes a look at her manifest and glances around at the various items.  

She comments, “You’ve pressurised the hold, are you expecting to take on cargo?”

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    13 vs 13 (I’m going to call the bouncy puppy Acting, since it’s an enhancement of certain characteristics 😉) + any bonuses.

    7 vs 13 Perception.

    Puppy Lia goes a little wide-eyed for a moment.

    “Was I not meant to do that?”

    Her face falls a little and she mutters to herself.

    “Stupid, Lia! Idiot…”

    Her face colours a little as her voice returns to normal volume.

    “I thought… y’know cos of the inspection…”

    She clears her throat and ‘tries’ to look professional.

    “No, not taking on cargo.”

    Her voice is a bit try-hard.

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