7-360: Purpleton, Harmon Block
Minor Vizier Sardo Ohare
Oliver has plenty of time, unless he gets distracted with those puzzles…
Minor Vizier Sardo Ohare travelled a fair bit during the course of his life and there are various travel entries.
The most recent being…
- Sardo Ohare departed Zargonia on 204.062 on a Vizierate Courier.
- He reached Way Station Barille and switched to a different vessel, travelling to Four-Main.
- He spent 10 Cycles on Four-Main and then travelled by Vizierate Courier to Aaran’s Pride.
- Three Cycles after his arrival on Aaran’s Pride he was reported as deceased.
The cause of death was *Restricted for the Security and Good Order of The Dominion*
Before you ask, the Vizierate Courier on which he departed Zargonia is the same one (Snark 208) upon which Lyanna David departed.
Felicity Report
The puzzles seem to fall into two types:
- Type 1 – casual puzzles intended to engage the mind but readily solvable; all of these have been completed.
- Type 2 – timeless and profound mathematical puzzles along the lines of Fermat’s Last Theorem (not that Oliver has ever heard of Pierre de Fermat…); none of these have been completed, but Oliver may find Argyle’s thinking about them interesting reading.
Give me an IQ roll to spot any hidden messages.
Oliver arrives in the foyer of Harmon Block at the appointed time, along with Dicard, Erin and Alan.
From the foyer they will proceed to a taxi, which will take them to the local downport.
They are joined at the Downport by Fromm and a very dishevelled looking Uddin; he looks like he’s been on a major alcoholic bender. Hard to say if that’s sauce, wine or blood stains on his pants…perhaps all three.
Dicard looks at him disapprovingly.
Everyone boards a shuttle and heads for Zebulon Highport.
Fromm complains that he just left there to join them at the downport, and seems annoyed, but no-one else pays him much attention.
Next/Retroactive Steps
Is there anything Oliver wants to do, or have done, before he leaves Zargonia?
Oliver makes a mental note about Ohare and doesn’t fully trust that the deceased report to be true but doesn’t think it likely that it happen twice in the same circle… Or maybe it’s more likely?
Aran’s Pride was where Oliver was picked up, no?
Roll 7 for IQ.
No, I don’t think there’s anything else, just his usual worky attitude and his requirements to survive.