7-319: Planning Bureau HQ – Executive Dining Room

“…he was amenable to working co-operatively on the project and I think we can all work together to resolve this.

“As to what we have found…”

He produces a storage widget and passes it across to Oliver.

“Here is a file compiled on Lozenge-Sok’s work for Planning.”

The drinks arrive and there is a brief pause while everyone tastes.

Hulm-Nelson says, “something I have been wondering about, and perhaps you can enlighten me, it seems the Vizierate is not entirely, shall we say, internally coherent, regarding this matter.  Do you know how your sponsoring Vizier – Salfield, isn’t it?  How Vizier Salfield became aware of this issue?”

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver brings out a PDA and begins to read through.
    “No, I believe he was intentionally vague about this. We were just given a name and am objective.”

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