7-311: Settlement

Amelia says, pointing with a thumb, “jump in Mers.  There’s a hotel out at the Transit Hub.  I’m going to stay there myself.” 

Assuming Oliver and Fromm are amenable, it’s a short trip out to the Transit Hub where Amelia lands at a pad, unloads their (well, at least Fromm’s) bag and directs them along a walkway toward a hotel.  NB:  I assume Chris still has the duffel bag with the shotgun. 

She’ll ask if that’s all that is required?

Oliver and Fromm can check into a Hotel.

It is BB02.  

Fromm heads for the hotel restaurant.

What would Oliver like to do?

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver would like to memorise the trip as much as he can, and try and mentally map it to a walking path.

    “Thank you Amelia, that is all.”

    Does this place look privately owned?

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