7-291: MaPaCoA Public Terminals




I’ve been imagining greetings go by Shift.  I thought about subtle variations by Job but decided that was too hard…

Eg:  Grorning for GR, Greening for GG and Greenvening for GB.  Perhaps this was used in former times but now Greening or Greenvening are equally acceptable.

So, Greenvening it is.

Talking with Dicard


“Greenings Oliver, it’s progressing satisfactorily.”

When he mentions sensitive info, Dicard says wait and fiddles with his terminal.  Oliver will know he’s basically activating a Vizierate encryption layer on the call, then he says to go ahead.


“I did wonder if an alias might be a possibility, as we could find no evidence from outside that anyone named Argyle worked at MaPaCoA, but there were the things you found, and other evidence, that said he did.” 


“That’s good.  Did he say much other than the Lozenge-Sok alias?”


“Well, I think that’s inevitable.  Nanny was reluctant to involve them beyond the Liaison we already have with the Legion but I suspected it would become necessary.  I’ll make contact with Minor Vizier Kahn-Serf.”


“Hmmm.  Well, if you need to, move on and send him a message letting him know.  I’ll deal with him later.”

Planning Bureau

“What are your thoughts?  Do you need to visit?

“Time-wise, we’re still a few Cycles from being ready to leave.”

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    “Only that he’d seen the result of the crash that apparently killed Lozenge-Sok and that it was quite convincing.”

    A minor relief comes over Oliver.

    “Very well, I don’t know where he has gone or how long he will be so that might be necessary.”

    Planning Bureau
    “Not sure, I may only find more of the same information there. It depends how.much they are willing to give me. I feel the reveal of the alias was the best bit of info we will get out of this trip.”

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