7-234: Snow Lake MagLev Train Station
The ticket seller is happy for him to put all the tickets in his name, that makes them a travelling party under an F-Class’ leadership and thus is not a problem (possibly why this was not an issue earlier).
However, your routine throws an exception at ‘…he’ll ask one of the other two to trade the Viz Money cards with him…‘ due to a security permissions failure, in that these cards are now personalised to each holder’s thumbprint making swapping them infeasible.
I’m unclear at what level you wish to handle exceptions so whether your flow-of-control steps over the error statement and proceeds to ‘…pay for it out of pocket…’ or exits the current execution block and goes to ‘…persuade them that they’re on Vizierate business…‘
However, either approach will prove successful and they become an ‘authorised travelling party’ and can take a sleeper car when the train finally arrives five Tasks later. Please advise and adjust funds accordingly, and I will do the same for the NPCs.
There’s heating in the waiting room for those five Tasks, but it’s not enclosed so the warm heater alternates with gusts of cold air from the open station building. What will Oliver do while he’s (literally) cooling his heels?
The train arrives at the Red Yellow Break on 211.381, and they can make their way to the sleeper car (Car 1).
The individual sleeper cabins are small but well appointed. Given it’s late, I’m guessing Oliver will sleep, but let me know if he wants to do something else.
The Vizierate Business approach was if they didn’t let Oliver pay for it himself.
So he’ll pay for it himself. Much to his own dismay.
If there’s a terminal he might check his messages and study this MaPaCoA place. Otherwise he’ll continue studying.
and yes he will sleep on the train.