7-158: Illuminator

Chris is pretty drunk by the end of the evening, and Fromm doses him with something, with his apparent consent, that puts him to sleep and then enlists some assistance getting him back to his cabin.

The Illuminator docks with Zebulon Station on schedule at GR04 on 211.379.

Docking is cleared within a couple of Tasks, and so everyone is scheduled to meet up with their gear at the main airlock at GR07.  Oliver will be expected to get his gear from his office.

Anything he wants to do before disembarking?

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver will try and acquire some kind of trolley or something to carry the computers and boxes of books with.

    Otherwise I don’t think there is everything. His legion PDA is extra tucked to the bottom of his backpack at all times but it’s not hidden.

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