7-079: Illuminator – Senior Staff Lounge


I don’t quite understand that; is it a typo?


“Very wise.”

She seems to be enjoying the banter.


“That is possible,” she turns serious for a moment, “It is true that one of the more difficult parts of managing people is what is called ‘The Conspiracy of Silence’, which is that people won’t tell their seniors about problems for fear of repercussions and therefore the seniors are ignorant of issues that everyone else is complaining about.”

She probes, “so, what have you heard?”


OK, so Oliver was that smart and hard working guy with the great memory who is extremely well-suited to performing under the measurement systems used by academia.  He probably won some sort of award on graduation. 

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    It was a typo.
    “Is there anything that prompted that name?”

    “Don’t flatter me too much or I’ll catch it too.”

    “I see that a lot. Though I don’t think I’ve encountered it much. I’m a bit of a perfectionist so if there’s a problem I need it fixed.”

    Oliver will recount that conversation he overheard in the mess, reminding her he isn’t certain it was about her but it fit the bill.

    I have a feeling his advantages may make his “Practical intelligence” higher than his int score.

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