7-028: Witnish Highport

Shall we assume that they eat, then Erin leads them to the Rec Centre where she buys Oliver a Chak deck and gifts it to him.

“I’m told it’s good luck for someone to gift you a deck.”

She buys them both a coffee and sits down with Oliver to take him through the rules of Chak.

Oliver is good at Chak (gets +1 to any rolls) because of his memory, and she does comment on how good he is for a beginner, but she’s clearly more experienced at the game than he is.

Is the game something he’s likely to enjoy?

After a while, Erin asks if he’s interested in checking out the engineering parts shops, or if there’s anything he’d like to do?

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver eats and makes small-talk as applicable.

    “Well I’ll hold onto it, in case it’s needed.”

    I think he’d like the system of the game and could find some enjoyment out of it.

    However I don’t see him making a habit of it because 1: He’s a loner (To be honest if I had the points I probably would’ve taken workaholic, as I feel that’s how I’m playing him) and 2: If it’s primarily a gambling game his miserliness would get in the way.

    “Sure, we can check those out. Is there anything in particular you’re looking for?”

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