7-026: Witnish Highport

It takes longer to get on and off the shuttle than it does to fly the short distance between the Illuminator and the Highport.

On arrival, a couple of Legion customs officers are checking tags but everything seems pretty low key.

The facility is not large.  An information display just inside the entrance reveals that Witnish sees one or two ships per Cycle passing through – the large compliment visiting from the Illuminator makes the station quite busy.

There are a couple of cafes on the concourse, a food court/cafeteria and one restaurant that looks fairly good.  There’s a very busy bar, some retail shops for clothes and so on, a rec centre, a hiring hall, a couple of parts suppliers and electronics shops fore the engineering and techie types and a sensie theatre.  Off ship accommodations are available ranging from a capsule rack up to standard hotel rooms, but those seem to be in short supply.

The information wall adds that the Downport has full medical facilities, a park, a pool and a full-sized Sportsball facility.  You can also do a tour of the mine or the agricultural centre.

Like most Highports, there is an enclave area not readily accessible to the general citizenry.  This one doesn’t seem to have a separate dock and is accessible by a guarded elevator at the end of the concourse.

Erin says, “what do you think?”

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver wonders how safe it’d be to send Felicity a message off this station.

    “I think I don’t know where to start. What would you like to do?”

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