7-025: Illuminator – Witnish system

Messaging System

That seems an entirely reasonable approach.


Chris seemed happy enough at their time spent together, despite Oliver not being quite as into it as he was.

An Illuminating Journey

Oliver may or may not have been woken by the docking maneuver alarm.

It turns out that the Illuminator is not actually docked with Witnish Highport, but is standing off a couple of km or so and transfers will be made via shuttlecraft.  There’s some confusion as Oliver and Erin discover the change and find each other near the Hangar Bay entrance.

Apparently, there is an option:  They can catch a shuttle over to the Highport, or one to the Downport on the surface.

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver suggests Highport as that’s where they were headed anyway.

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